Friday, October 30, 2009

Prayer Room

Tuesday Morning Prayer Room

1st question: What could be better than spending a morning with Jeff Cook?
2nd question: What could be better than spending a morning in prayer?
Next question: What if you could combine those two options?

That’s what happens each Tuesday morning at 9:30am at Salem. With Jeff’s leadership, and the help of a couple other people each week, prayers for Salem members, family, and friends who we know are in need are prayed. The yellow prayer cards submitted on Sunday mornings are all prayed over. The prayer requests on the prayer chains are prayed over. And they are prayed over each week until it’s learned that the prayers have been answered.

You are invited to come take part in the Prayer Room on Tuesday mornings. Come every week, once a month, or whenever you can. No reservation or experience is required. You won’t have pray out loud. Come and meet with others in the Library (behind the sanctuary) at 9:30. It lasts about an hour to an hour and a half. If you have, or can take some time to come be part of the Prayer Room you will be warmly welcomed, and you will be blessed.

Block by Block

Block by Block


Adopt a House
Fund and Rebuild Gutted Walls into a Move-In Ready Home
Complete Adoption enables your organization to volunteer and fund the rebuild project. The Construction Manager of Block by Block will oversee the project to ensure inspection, standards, and code requirements are met. Rebuild timeline is 80 days from the installation of mechanicals (electric, plumbing, and mechanicals). The range of rebuild costs is $38,000 to $100,000.

Building Block Adoption
Rebuild Gutted Walls into a Move-In Ready Home
Building Block Adoption enables your organization to rebuild a house after mechanicals (electric, plumbing, and mechanicals) are installed without providing funding. The Construction Manager of Block by Block will oversee the project to ensure inspection, standards, and code requirements are meet. Materials will be delivered in a timely fashion.
Rebuild timeline is 80 days.

Finish Line Home Adoption
Finish Line Home Adoption allows your organization to give homeowner hope and healing by finishing an array of small projects. The adoption can be tailored to your needs based on timeline, funding availability, and skills of volunteers. The Construction Manager of Block by Block will oversee the project to ensure inspection, standards, and code requirements are meet. Materials, if funded through Block by Block, can be delivered in a timely fashion. Typical timeline for completion is between
4 to 15 working volunteer days.

Block Adoption Transform an entire Block.
Block Adoption allows your organization to see great results as an
entire Block comes back to life. Funding and/or providing volunteer labor is an excellent way to build teamwork. The Construction Manager of Block by Block will oversee the project to ensure inspection, standards, and code requirements are meet. Typical timeline for completion is five months.

Interested in Adopting a House?
Block by Block 350-2552
Melisa Bracht-Wagner (319) 480-4469